
YouTube Videos

                              While I intended to retire a few years later than I actually did, it was always my intent to combine my love of cooking and my background in technology once my time was my own. I had some experience in internet broadcasting and also cohosted a podcast but only used YouTube to learn on the run and for entertainment.

As I chatted with my sister Lesli, also a lover of cooking, it became clear that she was willing to work with me on this project and that she is as much a visual learner as I am an audio learner. Now it was just a matter of figuring out how to combine our strengths and passions.

In addition to learning how to share a kitchen and to share our sometimes quirky ways of getting things. done, we also had to learn how to record, edit and post  videos. What is a “thumbnail”? How do we include “B roll”? Where is the line between information and entertainment?

Below you will find a growing list of our videos along with short descriptions. We hope that you will find them of some value and that you will refer others to our web site and YouTube channel.